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 Ad-hoc Consultancy

We provide our clients with High-End ad-hoc consultancy services.
We have expert consultants in their field. Often clients need to consult with these specialists to ensure their decision is the most appropriate for their organization or that they are on the right track. Ad-hoc consultancy is provided for specific inquiry using standard forms posted in the website.

 Projects Consultancy

We carry out major consultation projects to our client’s covering transformation, complex, and specialized projects in the area of Procurement and Supply Chain. Moreover, we are in a position to provide consultation in project management, change management, and risk management. Our team of consultants have wide experience in their areas of specialties.

Ad-hoc Consultancy
Projects Consultancy

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+966 13 887 7746 | +966 506958019 |
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Dhahran City, Prince Mutaib bin Abdul Aziz St.
VAT Registration Number: 310106857600003
Commercial Registration Number: 2052100841
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